Sunday, December 16, 2012
Saturday, January 01, 2011
Happy New Year
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
NMBA - non motorized bicycle accident
6 stitches and three hours later and we are home. She was so brave, just a few silent tears when they froze it.
Sunday, June 07, 2009
I'm back
I also admitted defeat and had to update my blog template so I am missing some of my "extras" that I will try to add again later.
I am FINALLY going to download our Disney pictures so I can see them for the first time too. I will get them online soon to share I promise. There has been lots going on too that I will share. I am all hunched over typing this as I hurt my back again so I can't promise it will be a speedy update as sitting in the computer chair really hurts it.
I've added the follower link and a subscription link to the blog now too.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
HI HO HI HO, its off to Disney we go!!!
Get ready for TONS of pictures and videos though.
The kids are so excited they can't stand it. The weather is supposed to be high 90's there this weekend, I am sweating already.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Rain much?

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Spencer reminds us that every Saturday is "family game night". Its actually a lot of fun. We turn off the tv and play together as a family. We do games or puzzles or whatever they want. Tonight and we played cards and whack-a-mole. Then the kids decided they wanted to comb my hair and put makeup and nail polish on me. Then they slathered me in moisturizer and rubbed my feet. I LOVE my kids. lol
Love this video of Peyton "riding" her bike and singing, she was stuck in a hole. Caden had to come over and be a boy.
Do you feel raindrops?

When the show finally started the rain had subsided a bit and it was just mist blowing in and not sunami like waves of water.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Too cute

Sunday, April 12, 2009
Hoppy Easter

Saturday, April 11, 2009
Beauty and the Beast

Friday, April 10, 2009

Thursday, April 09, 2009
Easter party

The little ones had their Easter party and egg hunt at the daycare today too and told me all about it. Since its a daycare its not really a parent volunteer kind of day. I think there is more candy now than there was at halloween.
Sunday, April 05, 2009

Saturday, April 04, 2009
Busy day

We had a busy, but great day today. We started by going to Home Depot for their children's workshop and made bird houses. They are really neat as you can suction cup them to the window and one side is clear so you can see the birds inside. We'll just have to wait and see if we have any takers now.

When we were done there we went for a picnic and then a walk. The park was was too crowded so we saw a nice place beside the lake with NO ONE there so figured it would be a good spot. After we got all set up the security guard came out to tell us that we weren't allowed to be there. I figured there had to be a good reason why it was empty. She was nice enough to let us finish our picnic though. After she left Sydney said she was happy that I didn't get arrested. I am sure glad too. lol

Friday, April 03, 2009
Stone Soup
Spencer performed in his first grade school play today called "Stone Soup". He was really disappointed that he didn't get a "solo", but did great anyway. He was just so cute and sang his little heart out.
He is the one in the orange baseball cap.
He says he wants to act in a play and have the lead. He has always been so outgoing and NOT shy.
I asked Caden if he was going to sing in a play next year for kindergarten and he looked at me and said "NO!" He apparently got the shy genes in the family. lol