We went to Chick Fil A again this evening to see Uniqua and Tryrone from the "Backyardigans". The kids really like the cartoon so we couldn't miss it. It was packed, but that did not stop Sydney from hugging them a million times and holding on to them constantly.
Caden liked them from a distance and would not hug them. Spencer went to give a high five to Uniqua and smacked the lady that was helping REALLY hard in the face when he reached back. He felt so bad he almost cried and she gave him a hug and told him it was alright. Peyton just ran around with a huge smile on her face the whole time.
Here we are with "Uniqua"

What a great thing that Chic Fil A is doing during the summer with their different little kid activities. I know the kids are just loving the characters.
Looks like fun. Love, Sharyon
That is a great way to bring in business on a slow night :) Glad the kids enjoyed the evening.
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