Saturday, February 09, 2008


Spencer started basketball today at the YMCA. What difference a year makes. He did NOT get the whole dribbling the ball thing last year at all, it was hilarious. He has it this year and is doing great. He really seemed to enjoy it. The girls have ballet at the same time so Bob chose to stay in basketball with Spencer. (big surprise there lol)
Had to include a picture of him on the way to the car as it was just cute.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember Kel's first basketball game when she was about the same age and went to the wrong goal. Fortunately, she couldn't get it in anyway so the other team didn't get points off of her.
They are hysterical at that age. And girls are even funnier as they are more interested in what goes on in the stands than on the court.
Love, S